.NET Core with PayTrace (Mime Type Fix)

This year I am re-writing my previous payment solution (from PHP to .NET) and first on the project list is credit cards.  We are using PayTrace and their client-side encryption as to not have to worry about PCI Compliance.

I’m to the point where I have a Pre-Payment model with all the fields needed to send via JSON.  I also have a method to request a token for sending (uses demo username and pass) and a test PEM file I downloaded from the PayTrace site.  I also got the webpage scanning credit cards, and I hit submit and.. I get this:

XML Parsing Error: no element found

This is appearing in the console of Inspector in Firefox.  Turns out this a generic error Firefox throws out when it’s expending a file but gets nothing.

My path’s are correct, but the “public_key.pem” file is not attaching to my post.   The problem?  MIME-type.

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Securing AS400 / iSeries (Comodo Free SSL)

Enabling SSL certificates with Comodo’s Free 90 Day trial SSL Certificate.  This process enables you to secure both web services, login, and SSL across all other servers/services on the AS400 / iSeries.

Note:  If you are replacing/renewing your cert and something goes wrong, do not be afraid to delete your certificate store (if this is your only cert) and start fresh with this tutorial.  I’ve done it twice, now, as the key in store had trouble matching the new cert, etc…  I deleted certificate store, followed my own tutorial and was up and going in minutes.

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PHP/Curl SSL Certificate Error with Payeezy

As I work toward syncing our as400 to our payment gateway, I’ve encountered an error both in PayTrace and Payeezy sample codes, generally when making a JSON post with Curl in PHP.

The error:

ssl certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

Almost ALL documentation / research on this suggests you turn off Curl verification (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER off)  and yes, it works, but it’s just not an option when I’m trying to secure my server for payment transactions.

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